
Profile - BB228233

‘It’s ruining everything’

Elke Ibrahim, vice-chair of the Glace Bay Her­itage Mu­seum So­ci­ety, stands among buck­ets and plas­tic stor­age bins on the third floor of the her­itage build­ing. Un­der the bins, which are be­ing used to catch wa­ter leak­ing through the roof, are lay­ers of plas­tic to deal with the over­flow of wa­ter. Ibrahim said roof re­pairs are es­ti­mated to cost more than $230,000 and are needed this year or the mu­seum will have to close.
Elke Ibrahim, vice-chair of the Glace Bay Her­itage Mu­seum So­ci­ety, stands among buck­ets and plas­tic stor­age bins on the third floor of the her­itage build­ing. Un­der the bins, which are be­ing used to catch wa­ter leak­ing through the roof, are lay­ers of plas­tic to deal with the over­flow of wa­ter. Ibrahim said roof re­pairs are es­ti­mated to cost more than $230,000 and are needed this year or the mu­seum will have to close.

GLACE BAY — Elke Ibrahim fears the leaky roof at Old Town Hall will lead to the closure of the building and the heritage museum it houses.

Ibrahim, the vice-chair of the Glace Bay Heritage Museum...